Welcome to the ENTF Events page!


Below you will find our monthly committee meetings in our different systems areas highlighted by color, as well as any additional ENTF events and events added by our partners (i.e. “Community Events”).


If you have an event to share, please use the “Add an Event” link at the bottom of the calendar, and follow the prompts. Thank you!



Let’s Talk Data 1: Outcomes and Indicators

Virtual MI

A common area of struggle for nonprofits when it comes to data is how to show your impact. Want to learn what data to collect (and more importantly, what you can stop collecting)? This three-part workshop series will help you define how your organization or program helps create change, the outcomes associated with that change, […]



Let’s Talk Interviews and Focus Groups

Virtual MI

Planning and conducting qualitative research can be intimidating. The interviewer has to meet real people face-to-face and figure out how to elicit answers of interest. We have to do so without being heavy-handed and without signaling disinterest in the whole person or their whole story. We will discuss how to adopt a genuinely empathetic posture […]

The US Census: Data and Your Community with the West Michigan Research Network

Grand Rapids Public Library 111 Library Street NE, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Join Jeff Williams, Director of Community Data and Research Lab at the Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy, for a presentation on the 2020 Census, immediately followed by a panel discussion of West Michigan researchers moderated by Neil Carlson, Director of DataWise Consulting. This program will break down the 2020 Census results and discuss the […]



Let’s Talk Surveys

Virtual MI

Are you responsible for a survey at your organization? Want to learn the fundamentals of developing and using surveys to collect data? Whether you have a survey to revise or need to create one from scratch, this training will help you with wording questions and response options, formatting print and electronic versions, and addressing issues […]


Let’s Talk Data Preparation

Virtual MI

So, you have a spreadsheet of data. Now what? Join us to learn the basics of data preparation using Microsoft Excel. During this series, you will learn to clean, transform, and start analyzing data using formulas and pivot tables. These skills may not sound glamorous, but they are essential to the process of moving from […]


Let’s Talk Data Visualization

Virtual MI

Wondering which chart is going to get your point across to your audience? Stop wasting time with graphs that fail to make sense of your data, and join us to learn the basics of quality data visualization. We believe anyone can leverage the power of data visualizations, regardless of background! We will discuss storytelling with […]


Health Equity and Community Power-FNC Action Team

Grand Rapids, MI, United States

This action team meets on the first Friday of the month from 10:00-11:00 a.m. Action Team Leads: Gratia Lee, Access of West Michigan Ja'Keem Badger, SECOM Please contact Gratia at gratia@accessofwestmichigan.org for more information.

Econ/Workforce Committee Meeting

Grand Rapids, MI, United States

The ENTF Economic and Workforce Development Committee meets on the 1st Thursday of every month from 8:30-10:00. These meetings are open to anyone who seeks to participate in this conversation. The work of this committee is seeking to accomplish the goal: All Kent County residents who seek employment will have opportunities at a sustaining level […]


Transportation Committee Meeting

Grand Rapids, MI, United States

The ENTF Transportation Committee meets on the 4th Tuesday of every month from 8:30-10:00. These meetings are open to anyone who seeks to participate in this conversation. The work of this committee is seeking to accomplish the goal: All Kent County residents have access to multiple transportation choices. To get more information or join the […]


Digital Inclusion

These meetings are open to anyone who seeks to participate in this conversation. To receive meeting information subscribe to the distribution list for this Committee here.

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